Coffee Makers, Troubleshooting Coffee Makers

Why Your Cuisinart Is Not Pumping Water and What to Do When This Happens

Written by

Erica Cervenkova

Coffee Holli Top Pick

As expected:

You might get frustrated while trying to make your morning brew, and your coffee maker does not pump water.

What could have gone wrong?

When your Cuisinart stops pumping water, it is often caused by a heating element fault. A buildup of minerals in the machine could also be the reason.

Don’t fret:

You can always rely on us to get your Cuisinart running again.

Cuisinart Coffee Maker Not Pumping Water

Having trouble brewing a refreshing cup of coffee because your coffee maker won’t pump water? Try these simple fixes. Check if your heating element is faulty and replace it if so. Mineral buildup can also affect your coffee pump and tubes. So, clean your coffee maker if it stops pumping water as it ought.

1. Unclog Coffee Maker to Remove Scalings and Residue


Cuisinart coffee makers typically have water reservoirs that ensure there is enough water supply for the entire coffee brewing process.

During the process, water moves through the water tank and the tubes. Eventually, it comes off at the showerhead and proceeds into the coffee pot.

Here is how it works:

The water boils as fragments get pushed into the coffee maker’s tube. Subsequently, the hot water comes off the brew head into the coffee pot after brewing the coffee grounds.

Your Cuisinart may not pump water if a buildup of minerals (scalings) blocks the tubes linking the water tank to the shower head.

As expected:

Hard or mineral water in the reservoir of your coffee maker eventually hardens and clogs the tube. This impedes water flow to the shower head.

Asides that:

Prolonged use of your coffee maker without unclogging or cleaning it regularly might result in mold and algae infestation. This clogs the tubes of your coffee maker.

When you remove the thick layer of minerals stuck to the interior of your tube, you also get to clean off scalings from the glass carafe.

How to unclog your Cuisinart?

There are a few quick and basic fixes you can adopt to make your machine continue to gush freshly brewed coffee regardless of the roast level.


Eject your coffee filter and ensure that you remove every coffee residue that might be left in it.

You should also wash and rinse out the coffee basket with warm water to remove excess coffee that may be stuck in it.

Upon returning the coffee filter:

Mix up a water and vinegar solution. Apply it to the water reservoir while you switch it on for a half brew.

While running a half brew, do not allow the coffee maker to complete its circle before you turn it off.


Allow the solution to settle in the pot for at least an hour before completing the cycle. Upon completing the cycle, rinse out the vinegar solution.


Repeat the brew multiple times with clean water until the vinegar is clear.

2. Use a Tube Cleaner

Tube Cleaner Coffee Maker

If the vinegar does not do the cleaning, you can use a tube cleaner. But that depends on whether your coffee maker is built with a detachable water tube or reservoir.

If your coffee maker does not have a removable water tube or reservoir, you can unscrew the bottom part of your machine. From here, you can access the tube and clean it thoroughly.

What next?

You do not want your tube to be clogged now and then? Avoid using hard or mineral water in your coffee maker. You should also unclog often. 

3. Replace or Fix the Heating Element

Cuisinart Heating Element

Here’s the thing:

A damaged heating element may be the reason your coffee maker is not pumping water. When your Cuisinart does not heat the water as it ought, water may not flow through the water tube to brew your coffee beans.

So, you should pay attention to the circumstances surrounding the pumping defect.

For instance:

Slow trickles indicate that a buildup is clogging your coffee maker’s tube. In the same way, if your machine makes odd sounds, the heating element might be damaged.

What is the heating element?    

The heating element is situated directly under your coffee maker’s heating plate; it ensures that the water boils and flows through the water tube.

Your Cuisinart coffee maker’s heating element is built to last long. However, it could get damaged or worn out. It also short-circuits when water touches it.

How to detect if your heating element is faulty?

Undo the screws at the base of your coffee maker. The heating element has a horseshoe shape and can be sighted easily.


Test its conductivity using a multimeter. If the heating element does not conduct electricity, it is faulty and needs replacement.

How to replace a heating element?

First, unscrew the heating element from the rectangular metal bar that holds it down.

What next?

The heating element is attached to two pipes at its two ends with clips. Remove the clips and carefully lift it out.

Then, replace the heating element with another of the same size. You can get a replacement heating element on e-commerce platforms like Amazon.


What have we learned so far?

Your coffee maker needs to be properly maintained to continue functioning optimally.

Therefore, you should take care of your Cuisinart to prevent malfunction or damage.

However, in instances where the faults occur and your machine does not pump water, don’t worry. Simply follow these suggestions:

  • Clean and unclog your Cuisinart with a water and vinegar solution.
  • Clean and unclog your Cuisinart with a tube cleaner.
  • Replace the heating element.
  • Avoid using mineral or hard water.

Was this helpful?

Kindly reach out to us if you followed these tips and they proved helpful. We will be more than happy to hear from you in the comment section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is My Cuisinart Not Pumping Water?

Two major factors are responsible for your Cuisinart not pumping water. One of them is a buildup of scalings blocking the tubes linking the water tank to the shower head.

Also, damaged heating elements can prevent the water from heating up and pouring off the shower head.

Why is My Coffee Maker Not Dispensing Water?

Similarly, several factors might cause your Cuisinart not to dispense water. First, the water in your tank might be lower than the required quantity.

Also, the water tube might be clogged with mineral buildup. Finally, a fault in the heating element might also cause your Cuisinart coffee maker not to dispense as it ought.

Erica Cervenkova
Coffee Connoisseur, SCA Member

As a coffee connoisseur and member of the Specialty Coffee Association, I am dedicated to understanding the sustainability of coffee pods and the impact it has on the environment. My expertise lies in the realm of capsule coffee machines, from the likes of Keurig and Nespresso to other well-known US brands. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping others make informed decisions about their coffee choices. Whether you're a coffee enthusiast or just looking for a new way to enjoy your morning cup, I'm here to help.


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